Project management

    Date: 01/15/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: no keywords

    Looking for anyone's experience in coming up with some sort of deployment system to bring together 4 different programmers on a project that needs to be built rapidly.

    I am pretty well versed in subversion, but the way the lead of my new company is explaining, the individual developers will need to be able to modify the site's core library at will. And the concern with this is, what if one developer breaks a needed component...suddenly the other 3 programmers are at a work stoppage until it's fixed. So he suggested creating 4 branches of the main repository for the other dev's and me. This way each Dev has their own code base to modify at will. This seems a little crazy, but maybe I am missing something here.

    From my understanding, you can remerge different branches together...but to do so requires manually walking through diff's of conflicting revisioned files. So unless we merge all 4 branches on a weekly basis, this will be one massive cluster -ck eventually at the end.

    Some quick thoughts on my own:
    Dedicating one of the 3 programmers to developing the core library, basically giving him/her a "I need this functionality" memo or something.

    Coming up with some sort of per-file branching scheme when a dev has to edit a library/base system.

    Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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