losing my patience...

    Date: 01/17/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, mysql, sql, web

    edit: solved. thanks for noticing my oversight... doh.

    Thanks in advance for any help. This is a probably a simple one but here goes:

    I have this part of a script that doesn't wish to behave:

    the db connection is in place, and when i echo back the query to the web page and copy and paste it into phpMyAdmin, the query works fine and returns my result. There should only be one row of results, which there is when I run the query, but when I try to fetch the result and store it in the variable $prefix it doesn't work. I'm not getting any errors thrown, it's just not working. Any ideas? Sorry if it's totally obvious. I'm under a zillion deadlines and have spent too long swearing at the computer over this one.

    Thanks again!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/530760.html

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