Troubles with cookies
Date: 01/19/07
(PHP Community) Keywords: php
I'm having trouble setting up some cookies. It is a login form with a "remember me" option. If the user checks the "remember me" box, a cookie is set. If not, only session values are set.
The problem the cookie is not being sent. This is my code ($info is the array holding the user information):
if ($_POST['remember'] == 1) {
$cookie_domain = "config set cookie_domain";
$cookie_time = time()+60*60*24*365;
setcookie("user_num_id", $info['id'], $cookie_time, "/", $cookie_domain);
setcookie("user_id", $info['user_id'], $cookie_time, "/", $cookie_domain);
setcookie("name", $info['name'], $cookie_time, "/", $cookie_domain);
setcookie("remember", 1, $cookie_time, "/", $cookie_domain);
$_SESSION['user_num_id'] = $info['id'];
$_SESSION['user_id'] = $info['user_id'];
$_SESSION['name'] = $info['name'];
$_SESSION['uid'] = session_id();
$_SESSION['auth'] = 1;
Header("Location: account.php");
I suppose is some kind of header problem because, if I delete the "header" line, the cookie is set. This is meant to redirect the user to the account page after login. Anyone has a idea of why this isn't working? Thanks!