Pagination problem

    Date: 03/19/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: mysql, sql

    Anyone know of any good pagaination functions - I've tried to code my own and I seem to be going around in cicles. What I've writen is:-

    function disp_page($offset, $max_rows, $table, $base_url)
    	// Define the SQL calls
    	$sql="select * from $table limit $offset, $max_rows";
    	$sql_tmp="select * from $table";
    	// Make the SQL calls
    	$result=mysql_db_query(DB, $sql);
    	$tmp=mysql_db_query(DB, $sql_tmp);
    	// Define other variables
    	paginate($offset, $total_rows, $base_url, $max_rows, $total_pages);
    	// Display the results
    	paginate($offset, $total_rows, $base_url, $max_rows, $total_pages);
    function paginate($offset, $total_rows, $base_url, $max_rows, $total_pages)
    		// PREV link
    	if($offset > 0)
    		disp_prev($limit, $base_url, $max_rows);
    		// Page Numbers
    	if($total_pages > 1)
    	//	disp_page_nums($offset, $base_url, $total_pages, $max_rows);
    		// Next link
    	if(($offset + $max_rows) < $total_rows)
    		disp_next($offset, $base_url, $total_rows, $max_rows);	
    		// Empty Results set 
    		echo"$ltbr>$ltcenter>No Records to Display$lt/center>

    "; } } function disp_row($row) { // This function is to be edited to display the data how needed echo"$lta href=\"?disp_t=topic&topic_id={$row[0]}\">".$row[2]."$lt/a>$ltbr>"; } function disp_prev($offset, $base_url, $max_rows) { $tmp_offset=($offset-$max_rows); if($tmp_offset $lt 0) { $tmp_offset = 0; } $offset=$tmp_offset; $url=$base_url."&offset=".$offset; echo"$lta href=".$url.">PREV$lt/a> "; } function disp_next($offset, $base_url, $total_rows, $max_rows) { $tmp_offset=($offset + $max_rows); // echo"$ltp>tmp_offset=$tmp_offset

    "; if($tmp_offset > $total_rows) { // Nothing Happening Here } else { $offset=$tmp_offset; $url=$base_url."&offset=".$offset; echo"$lta href=".$url.">NEXT$lt/a>$ltp>"; } } function disp_page_nums($offset, $base_url, $total_pages, $max_rows) { $page=(($max_rows/$offset)+1); for($i=1;$i<$total_pages;$i+1) { if($i==$page) { echo "$ltfont size=\"-1\">[".$i."] $lt/font>"; } else { $tmp_offset=($i * $max_rows); $offset=$tmp_offset; $url=$base_url."&offset=".$offset; echo"<a href=".$url.">PREV</a>"; } } }

    my main issue seems to be that the function disp_page_nums() seems to hang my server up.

    Any help or sugestions would be very welcome



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