Date: 02/20/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: mysql, sql

    I have some MySQL tables. The relevant ones are:

    id, country

    prodcode, prodname, catid

    id, prodcode, countryid, stockamt, lastupdate

    At the moment, I am using the following query:
    SELECT `stock`.`stockamt`, `products`.`prodcode`, `countries`.`country` FROM `stock` LEFT JOIN `products` ON `stock`.`prodcode` = `products`.`prodcode` LEFT JOIN `countries` ON `stock`.`countryid` = `countries`.`id`

    And getting the following results:

    Product Code Stock Amount Country
    AMA-N-SW 324 UK
    AMA-N-SW 546 Australia
    AMA-N-SW 11 USA
    BOOBS 123 UK

    However, I would like to get something more like:

      UK Australia USA
    AMA-N-SW 324 546 11
    BOOBS 11 0 0

    I have tried all sorts of GROUP BY queries, UNIONs, inserting the result into a multidimensional array and piecing it back together again and I just cannot figure out for the life of me how to make this work. Should I be working on my MySQL query, my presentational code, should I be changing the structure of my DB? Any help you can give would be wonderful.. and please try and make it relatively idiot proof as I've been on this for about 4 hours and my brains hurt. Thanks :)

    Update: based on the awesome help I got I've found this which seems to be the most friendly explanation of what I want to do. Far too tired to do it now though, so I'll update again tomorrow with my solution (for anyone that is interested) :)


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