Quick question.

    Date: 03/04/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, mysql, html, database, asp, sql, web, yahoo

    Okay, I'm still getting the grasp of php... I went off for a while to actually learn html... Okay, well. I'm having the most troubles with mysql. It's quite confusing, along with cookies. Anyways, this isn't going to be about cookies. I want to just know how I can somehow get a nice list of... everything. Somehow. I really want know what's IN my mysql database and what names, etc. I'm using a pre-made script, so I'm rummaging around in circles with no straight answers on what what is.

    Anyways, I'm going to go to sleep, tomorrow I'll check back for answers for this... I'd like to know if I need to make a page or something like... www.website.com/mysqltestpage.php and go there.

    Eh. Anyways, I need a lot of advise, if someone has msn/yahoo/aim/irc/skype/etc. uhhh tell me if you'd let me add you and ask questions from time to time.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/547218.html

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