Variables: References

    Date: 03/21/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: no keywords

    I'm having a stupid day.

    I have a class. That class has an array variable. I want to create an instance of another class into an object, cache it in the array and return a reference to that object.


    class Thing1 {
    var $thing2s;

    function Thing1()
    $this->thing2s = array();

    function getThing2($argument)
    if (!array_key_exists($argument, $this->thing2s)) {
    $this->things2[$argument] = new Thing2($argument);
    return $this->things2[$argument];

    Now I'm reasonably sure that the above is putting a Thing2 instance into the $things2 array, and returning a COPY. I want to return a reference. Which I would do with

    return &$this->things2[$argument];



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