Case of the dumb

    Date: 03/22/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php

    Hi guys!

    I've got a case of the dumb today.

    I've never actually used the http_redirect() command in anything I've written, and's page doesn't have any user input regarding this command.

    I need to know if it's reliable, mostly, or if you have any reccomendations as to something better to use, I'm all ears.

    What I'm using it for:
    Mom wants a text field on her photography site that allows her customers to put their last name in a box, and hit submit. The submission will take them to their page, which is basically named: mylastname.php

    The form action is directed at the same page, where an if statement checks to see if the form has been submitted or not. If it has, it redirects to the new page.

    Now, yes, I know that this is highly suspect as far as there being no error checking. Right now I'm trying to get the bare essentials down in a file before I go shooting my mouth off in a snarky manner about all the different ways people could screw up typing their last name. (Fortunately, my mother is a programmer and knows how stupid people are, so it's not a matter of convincing her, just brainstorming.)


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