Overloading PHP in FastCGI mode

    Date: 04/06/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php

    Good day everyone,

    I have a question about running PHP as FastCGI server. Usually HTTP server (I use nginx) passes requests to FastCGI server and reads its response. Clear construction. Example configurations found while googling says that it's enough to load 10 or 20 php-cgi children (PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN parameter). But if there are more concurrent connections to your server than PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN, php-cgi just locks on lockf state and drops connection. How can we avoid such dirty behavior? I've thinked about dynamic spawning or external connection queueing (for example via HAProxy), but it's not what I expect of PHP's internal fastcgi server.

    You can read more about PHP behavior here: http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=39809

    Thanks in advance for your response. :)

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/558660.html

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