    print ';
    print ';
    print ';
    print '';

As you can see it was pretty simple, and as you can imagine very plain. I needed to number the list.

$i = 0;
foreach($foo as $a => $b)
    print '
    print ';
    print ';
    print ';
    print ';
    print '';
}That took care of the numbered rows. I thought that it would be easier to use if every other row was a diff. color. I first tried to use modulus to get the remainder of $i when divided by 2. If there was a remainder, then that row was odd. That was my thinking - but it didn't work. I found this solution (that was easy) on php.net.

$i = 0;
$alt = true;

foreach($foo as $a => $b)
    print ''.($alt?' bgcolor="#CCCCCC"':'').'>';
    print '
    print ';
    print ';
    print ';
    print '';
    $alt =! $alt;

Works like a charm :D

Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/559698.html

    easy alternate table rows

    Date: 04/11/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, database

    I had a big long report that I printed to the screen. It was a foreach loop that went through an associative array of database results and put them in a table. It looked crappy at first. This is what I had at the beginning:

    foreach($foo as $a => $b)
        print '
« text messages || $something = $something ->... »

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