PHP or Python?

    Date: 05/19/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, browser

    Hey guys. Looking for the right solution on something I'm developing. I figured a way to do what I want to do with PHP but I'm wondering if maybe Python or C might be the better solution. Perhaps someone with experience in this realm can give me some advice.

    I've been developing a turn based game in Flash but all of my data retrieval and storage happens with LAMP. The game allows the player to either play vs. AI that I've developed within the Flash app, but I'm wanting to add a pvp element. As of now, the player makes a turn(s) and it then passes the data for storage and goes into the queue for the other player to make his (a lot like, etc)

    I'm wanting to create I guess what you'd call a relay server that would allow two players who were on the site to not have to refresh the browser or reload the app to check if its their turn, etc. Obviously the app would have either a consistent connection or periodic calls to the server/script for both listening and broadcasting events.

    I could code such a beast in PHP but I'm wondering about performance since each call to PHP would be a new call (say every second or so). Has anyone ever done anything like this with PHP before or should I be safe and develop a Python or C program to do what I'm wanting to do?

    Just looking for some insight before I make my decision. Thanks!


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