Script help
Date: 03/25/05
(PHP Community) Keywords: php, mysql, browser, sql, web
Hi, I do not know how to code PHP, but I do know how to impliment PHP scripts. I've been looking for a GPL one that does the following:
Forces download (header script that forces the "save" dialog. I'm serving mp4s and I want to make sure they don't load in the browser).
Anti-Leech (hides the true URL of my mp4s, and allows only referring servers I've entered into the script to download, otherwise people are redirected to the page of my choice)
Download Counter (either flat files or MySQL).
And that's it. I found scripts that do bits and pieces of this, but only one that does it all—and you have to pay for it (you can actually use it for free but it appends the site's name to the downloaded files unless you register the pro version). This script is called "Download Center Lite" and can be found at I tried to crack it, but they've done clever things in the script to prevent that.
Also, I've found "Download Centers" that do much of these, but that's just for having a specific page with download links. I want to be able to dynamically call to these mp4 links from various pages on my website, not just from one.