HELP - problem finding errors

    Date: 06/08/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, programming, css, html, database, java

    Hi there,

    i'm having a problem with a site i'm working on. i'm a media student and one of our many subjects is system design, meaning we learn about java, python, php and more languages. i'm not the programmer person, and the subjects i like better in my studies are the design ones, so natuarlly i'm having major problems understanding and doing programming.

    i know that i'm not the worst in it either, but with this exercise i've come to my limits. it's pretty simple. we started with making a layout using css, but then we had to add php code and a database to it so as to add new elements and edit existing ones to the database using forms.

    so, the problem is a general and ususal one, meaning that there are errors in my code that i just can't find. i've gone through it a million times, asked collegues to give me their code to compare (since they didn't have time to sit down with me and help) and i've gone to message boards to ask for help (which wasen't very successful cuz they directed me to go read some basic php tutorial. i wouldn't have gone to the message board hadn't i done that already). anyway, i'm at a total loss as to what could be wrong. the zip file uploaded here contains everything of the page, even a text file of the database used that you can import into your server.

    the problems i have are:

    1) the 'DVD-Vols.php' file should just print out all the dvd volumes that exist of the series. beside each entry is a delete link to delete that entry from the database and a link to more detailed info on that dvd volume. the printing works out fine, but the delete link only deletes the entry of the database table that has the 'ID' '0'. the link to the detail info does not work either. i wanted use a php codeing that automatically fills in the 'ID' to it's corresponding entry in the db and passes it on, so the detail page of the dvd (DVD.php) knows which dvd volume to display.

    2) on the 'DVD.php' page i want to print out only one of the table entries from the db, depending on the 'ID' the link from the previous page passes on.

    3) the add and edit forms (there are two versions of each: Add-Form.php & Edit-Form.php) don't seem to work. a friend of mine told me they are correct, but when using them on my machine, nothing happens. what happens on mine regarding the add-form was the following:

    i had started my table entries with an entry that i gave the 'ID' '1' to instead of '0', so when using the add form, the new entry was assigned that id. when trying to add another, the previous entry i made lost all it's 'contents'. the edit-form did not work at all.

    4) in the home.html page i'm trying to add an image that moves from one side to the other, which seems to only work when first loading the page (it moves 5px to the right) but somehow the counter seems to not work, and i've got no clue why.

    i know that this is a lot to ask, but i'd REALLY appreciate the help, on any of these problems.

    thanks a million in advance!

    [x]cross posted


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