Automated System-Wide Security Audit

    Date: 06/20/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, security

    Hello Friends

    I needed a unit test that would tell me if all files in a given directory contained a call to a specific function within the first few lines. This function's purpose was to reassure me that all files are being properly authenticated.

    The function had to provide a whitelist feature. It makes use of common Unix commands and has been tested in Cygwin on the command line.

    I was pretty happy with my results, and thought I might share them.

    Constructive criticism very welcome.

    167     public function test_file_security() {
    168         $admin_search_path = '../admin/';
    169         $user_search_path = '../users/';
    170         $search_target = 'Util::validate_user';
    172         //The grep expression matches the ==> arrow returned by xargs
    173         //It also matches calls to the search target preceeded by zero or more whitespace characters only                                                  
    174         $grep_command = "grep -E \"(==>|^([ ]+)?$search_target)\"";                                                                                        
    176         $command = "find $admin_search_path $user_search_path -maxdepth 1 -name \"*.php\" -print0 | xargs -0 head -n 3 | $grep_command";
    177         //echo $command;
    179         $security_info = array();
    180         $unsecured_files = '';
    182         $whitelist = array(
    183             $admin_search_path . 'index.php',
    184             $admin_search_path . 'login_page_bottom.php',
    185             $admin_search_path . 'login_page_top.php'
    186         );
    188         exec($command, $security_info, $return_val);
    190         $this->assertTrue($return_val === 0);
    191         $this->assertTrue(count($security_info) > 0);
    193         //echo print_r($security_info, TRUE) . "\n";
    194         //echo print_r($return_val, TRUE) . "\n";
    196         for ($i = 0; $i < count($security_info); $i++) {
    197             //Strip out arrows returned by xargs
    198             $current_token = trim(ereg_replace('([ <])?==([ >])?', '', $security_info[$i]));
    199             $next_token = trim(@$security_info[$i + 1]);
    201             if (preg_match("/$search_target/", $current_token) > 0) {
    202                 //Skip non-file tokens
    203                 continue;
    204             }   
    205             elseif (array_search($current_token, $whitelist) !== FALSE) {
    206                 //Skip whitelisted files
    207                 continue;
    208             }   
    209             elseif ((empty($next_token)) || ((preg_match("/$search_target/", $next_token) == 0))) {
    210                 $unsecured_files .= $current_token . "\n";
    211             }
    212         }
    214         $security_issue_found = (empty($unsecured_files)) ? FALSE : TRUE;
    215         echo ($security_issue_found) ? "\n\n$unsecured_files\n" : '';
    217         $this->assertFalse($security_issue_found);
    218     }   
    219 }


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