Writing validation for e.164

    Date: 03/27/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: no keywords

    I've been looking at e.164 of later for validation for the SMS::Clickatell stuff I wrote some time ago and I'm looking at adding basic validation for mobile numbers to the SMS validation module which I'm working on.

    I was thinking about using a preg_match which can extract the number for the country prefix and check that the country prefix does not exist on a list of unassigned list. Then work out network prefixes, etc. etc.

    The regex is most likely going to look ugly, considering that I started using a switch on the first number i.e.

    function validatenumber($number) {
    switch ($number[0]) {
    case '1':
    * NADP (North American Dialling Plan
    $prefix = "1";

    return ($prefix);

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/277646.html

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