Appleseed Release Version 0.7.2

    Date: 07/01/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: web, hosting, spam

    The latest version of Appleseed (0.7.2) is now available. This version adds further functionality to the photo component, "tagging" functionality, and the ability for administrators to "trust" or "block" other nodes. A simple configuration page has also been added to the administration section for first time users.

    The source code for this release can be downloaded at:

    If you're looking to set up a test site, I would recommend using I currently use them for hosting and Appleseed is sure to work if installed on one of their shared accounts.

    Appleseed is doing three things that are very cutting edge for the web:

    1. Distributed Social Networking - Taking social networking away from massive, monolithic sites like MySpace and Friendster and distributing it across potentially thousands of sites that all work together.

    2. Single Sign On - Similar to OpenID, Appleseed's single sign on focuses on end-user ease of use. If you have a login for one appleseed site, then you can log in using your appleseed address (for example, to authenticate you for any other appleseed site. More on OpenID is available at

    3. Sender-Stores messaging: Based loosely on the IM2000 proposal, a Sender Stores system seeks to add accountability as a means to reducing and possibly eliminating spam. More on IM2000 is available at:

    If you would like an invite to the test site (, just let me know and I'll send you an email.


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