Credit Card Processing suggestions

    Date: 07/06/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: web, google

    Y'all were so helpful with my idiotic line-break problem last week, I thought I'd ask about a slightly more troubling issue...

    Only *after* I signed our company up for a PayPal Website Pro account did my boss tell me to scrap it, because he found out we'll be required to put their logo on our forms and accept PayPal Express. He's afraid this will somehow drive customers away.

    Anyone have suggestions for credit card processing that fit the following requirements?

    • Is super, crazy cheap (like PayPal: $20/month + 35ยข + 2.something% per transaction)
    • Requires no logos, Google accounts, or anything else that will make our registration form appear "unprofessional" =P
    • Has lots of support for integration, and can be set up quite quickly, as our current e-commerce solution (are you sitting down?) is a form that emails the credit card information to our accountant, who rings it up manually. I hope they didn't actually pay anybody to set that up.

    Alternatively, has anyone had good experience with PayPal, and can vouch for it not actually harming sales? I've looked at 2checkout,, and worldpay, and PayPal still looks like the best option to me.



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