External cron jobs ?

    Date: 07/25/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: hosting, google


    I came upon this issue when I was trying to see if my hosting provider allowed for any scheduled tasks e.g. cron jobs (the answer apparently being no) so I wondered, is there possibly a service, that allows you to set up external scheduled tasks, i.e. a system that will automatically call a certain script on *your* site.

    I'm took it to google but so far didn't find anything. It just seemed something natural that the IT boom would create something like this. Any info?

    p.s. I know there are some classes imitating cron out there, and although I have still to look into how they work I'm pretty much sure they rely on consistent traffic to do the job (i.e. if you statistically have hits every minute or so, you can get the job done with a minute's error). But this is not the case I'm talking about.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/577749.html

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