Upload to email attachment

    Date: 07/30/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, html

    This has me scratching my head... I have no idea why the sending of the file is failing.

    I found a script here

    It seems to work except the file doesnt arrive in the email

    Here are the relevent headers from the email

    Content-Type: ;
    Content-Disposition: attachment;
    Attachment converted: Kobol:Untitled (TEXT/ttxt) (0048378B) 
    Email message here

    there is an attachment "untitled" and its size is zero.

    If you go here

    you can send me a graphic and see the headers as they are before the email is sent.

    Any helpful tips are appreciated!

    UPDATE: it seems to be working with a jpeg... but not a gif... OK it seems it was the particular gif file I was using. SHEESH.
    OK - one last issue - if the file size is over 1MB or so, the email fails to send. Any ideas?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/578438.html

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