PHP/AJAX Auto Suggest

    Date: 08/28/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php

    I'm using Timothy Groves' AJAX-based Auto Suggest script ( ) on an in-house project, but am having some troubles (obviously). The default sample script offers fields for 'id', 'value', and 'info' which isn't so bad, but the project I'm working on is going to take one auto-suggest field, and fil in values for several texts. I'm not sure why, but I keep getting 'undefined' sets even though I'm parsing the variables.

    So all that longwinded explanation can be boiled down to:

    "I'm tring to have the PHP portion of this script parse more than 'id', 'info', and 'value' but the AJAX part keeps acting like it's all undefined. Please help me."

    This is all assuming you've used Timothy Groves' script before, as I imagine other scripts do it differently.


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