Memory profiling

    Date: 09/01/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php

      I am a big fan of the xdebug extension for development purposes, but it doesn't appear to have one thing I am looking for...which is a function or method of dumping the memory foot print of individual class instances and other structures of a script.  Specifically I am working on a proprietary framework in php 5 that out of the gate takes 1.8MB of memory per instance.  This just kind of spooks me.   I think one the bigger things taking up memory is the extensive use of output buffer and I've got some ideas of how to work around that...but before I make an experimental branch and start doing horrible things in the name of speed, I was hoping to be more informed.  Oddly enough, there doesn't seem to be any base functions to get back a real sizeof result.


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