my brain hurts...

    Date: 09/04/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php

    You all are always a big help, so hopefully you won't mind my novice question... I've been searching through 2 books and the site for the answer, but the problem is I'm not exactly sure what it is I'm searching for.

    This may make no sense, but here's my question:
    I'm trying to write a code that shows a default link when the page loads initially, but once the person has visited that default link and reloaded the page a new link will appear in place of the original.

    [ EDIT ]
    I'll try to rephrase. Basically, on the page there is an image and a link. I want the page to recognize, on refresh, that the link has already been visited so now it shows a new image and link. Is there a way to get the computer to return a true if the page has been visited and a false if it hasn't? (I'm helping a friend code this, so I can only explain it as best he explained it to me.)

    I'm guessing it involves a true false statement and an if else statement, but I'm not entirely sure how to phrase it or what it should be looking for in order to return either true or false.

    Can anyone help?


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