Switch and Injection

    Date: 09/25/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php

    I’m getting better with my sanitization, thanks to all the help here.

    Now I wonder.

    I’m combining a muti-page php form into a single (hopefully cleaner) php file. 

    Normally I would sanitize and check user rights on every single page. 

    (output from the form is dependent on individual rights of the user stored in a DB)

    I want to protect against injection, and my gut says I should simply place the sanitization function and user rights verification at the top of the page….but I wonder if it should be placed at the top of every switch case. 


    Thanks All…!

    (I’m going to start helping an actual php programmer with a side project of his…I'm sure to learn a lot, so hopefully I’ll be able to stop asking so many questions, and start helping to answer a few.  I appreciate everyone’s generous help!)


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/587204.html

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