
    Date: 09/28/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, mysql, xml, sql, apache

    I am just putting the finishing touches on a year long project that included in its design the use of an Op-Cache of some sort. After spending the last week and a half slamming a dev. server with siege for testing I noticed that occasionally the apache2 would seg. fault. We're using the LTS version of Ubuntu 6.04 with a stripped down environment dedicated and slaved to Apache w/memcache. From what I've researched and tested, this is actually a pretty well known issue with APC and also xcache. I've already written a simple daemon to watch the primary error log and if it spots a segfault fault error report to restart Apache, but this feels like using a band aid on a compound fracture.... Anyone have any other suggestions?

    PHP compiled with just the bare minimums plus memcache, mysqli & mysql, JSON, and the XML library.


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