xhtml (php) to doc (rtf) or pdf

    Date: 10/13/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: css, html

    Is there a way to convert xhtml formatted documents as a document/rich text file or a pdf on the fly?

    I have looked at htmldoc, but it does not support css in the current release and even in the upcoming 1.9 release, only CSS1 tags are supported and not the positioning tags.

    What I am looking to do is create my resumé in an xhtml 1.0 or 1.1 document and be able to have it convert to word or even pdf. All the agencies that have been contacting me have requested a doc format of my resumé. I have a doc (and pdf) version, but I hate having to do double entry and then save to pdf. I could save as html in OO.org, but I hate doing that. I like the clean xhtml resum&eacue;.

    My resumé can be found here. Already, there is a revision difference on the technical resumé. Also, the non-technical version is not offered up in doc and pdf. I have searched quite a bit and fond services, but they are using the aforementioned htmldoc toolkit. There is a lot of hits on rtf to xhtml, but not vice versa. Thanks for any help you can give. Jeff

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/590286.html

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