Retrieving array values by range of keys

    Date: 10/15/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: no keywords

    Suppose I have an associative array that looks like this:
    $arr['alpha_1'] = 'some value';
    $arr['alpha_3'] = 'some value';
    $arr['alpha_4'] = 'some value';
    $arr['beta_2'] = 'some value';
    $arr['beta_4'] = 'some value';
    $arr['beta_6'] = 'some value';
    $arr['gamma_1'] = 'some value';
    $arr['gamma_5'] = 'some value';
    $arr['gamma_6'] = 'some value';
    $arr['gamma_7'] = 'some value';

    Let's assume that the array is reasonably large (hundreds of entries).

    Is there an efficient way of getting all the items whose key starts with 'beta'? (without doing a foreach/strncmp loop?)

    Thanks in advance!

    P.S: The array is not sorted.


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