image galleries

    Date: 10/16/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: mysql, database, sql, web

    hi all!

    I'm in need of an image gallery script, and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions? I've been browsing around and testing a few and can't quite find one that matches what i need.

    i need to be able to upload the photos via the website, for thumbnails to be created and then clicking on the thumbnail takes you to the full size image.

    However, all the scripts i've found, when making the thumbnails, make them square, where as i'd prefer it to be more dynamic. So say each thumbnail had a height of 90px, and the width was determined from the full size image, rather than being fixed to 90px aswell. That way when displayed on the page, tall images don't look squashed.

    Any scripts out there like that? I don't mind if it is linked to a mysql database or not, tho most don't seem to be.

    Ideally it would be seperated into admin area and display area, so that i can customize the look of the displayed photo pages.


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