Yet another mod_rewrite question: tilde home directory expansion

    Date: 11/04/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: web, apache

    Mod_rewrite seems to be the flavour of the month. I'm trying to use it on a web server that's currently set up without a domain (the domain will be switched to this server when development is finished). So the currently the site lives on a url similar to:

    But the catch is that the expansion:
    is not true. So when mod_rewrite expands it I get a 404. :(

    Sooo... how do I tell mod_rewrite not to expand home directories?

    "Home directory expansion
    When the substitution string begins with a string resembling "/~user" (via explicit text or backreferences), mod_rewrite performs home directory expansion independent of the presence or configuration of mod_userdir."
    Apache man


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