A High Tech Solution from a record label?!

    Date: 11/20/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, technology, web

    Check out the new high-tech solution coming from record labels like BETA Records... did I say high-tech and label in the same sentence? Things are definitely a changing!!

    BETA Records, in anticipation of their upcoming release of Version 3 (V3) of their online music social community, has created a technological innovation that could ultimately allow websites to become more dynamic, creative and sophisticated while enabling companies to cut costs and reduce loads on servers needed in large-scale clusters.

    Called "BETACache," the new technology resulted from BETA’s PHP developers Rock Mutchler, Paul-Anton van Handel, Jon Bauer, Bernhard Schenkenfelder, and Eric Hollander.

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    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/597319.html

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