when you need a hammer, use a hammer

    Date: 11/28/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: spam

    I have a form that people have been trying to spamalot, so I thought hmm some bad words should never show up in certain places, so if they are there it has to be spam.
    Here is what I have:

    $bad_words = array('href','http','url');
    if (in_array($foo=$_POST["name"], $bad_words, true)){
    die ('SPAM not sent');
    if (in_array($foo=$_POST["company"], $bad_words, true)){
    die ('SPAM not sent');

    but I would get "parse error, unexpected T_BOOLEAN_OR in form on line" that had this:
    if (in_array($foo=$_POST["name"], $bad_words, true))||(in_array($foo=$_POST["company"], $bad_words, true)){

    and I do not know why (other than its been a long day and cant see strait).
    Any hints?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/599664.html

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