Dream Weaver Issues

    Date: 12/11/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, browser, css, html


    Up till recently, the company I work at has built PHP applications by first writing static HTML pages from scratch and then rigging them up with enough PHP code to satisfy the short-term requirements of the project. This is fine for very small projects, but it just doesn't scale well. Up until I arrived at the company, all HTML/CSS and PHP was written in Dream Weaver, and all applications were built to display properly in Dream Weaver as well as in a browser.

    I am trying to adopt the use of PHP MVC frameworks, but I am running into problems with Dream Weaver. Dream Weaver practically expects to be working on a somewhat primitive architecture where the URL structure of a site is directly derived from the directory structure of the files on the filesystem.

    Has anyone here successfully configured Dream Weaver to play nicely with Cake, Symfony, or any other frameworks that make heavy use of URL rewriting and dynamically assembled pages?


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/602134.html

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