random text

    Date: 12/17/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: database, sql, web

    I have 15 random paragraphs of text, each a couple sentences long, nothing major. I want to display a random one on the main page of a website every time the page loads. I am not terribly concerned with the flexibility or expandability of this script, I just don't want it to slow anything else down... I once took down a sql server because I had way too many queries on a web page, and since then I've been a little paranoid about using tons of database-driven stuff. Then again if I just hard-code all the text into the script, my 500 byte script or whatever will be 10x the size it once was, since it'll have to load all the text.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/604385.html

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