Weird PHP Issue

    Date: 12/30/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, html

    I'm creating a new login script, which includes a lot of files (and the core file itself runs to well over a thousand lines).... But about two-thirds of the time, whenever I try to access my test page in Mozilla Firefox, the page refuses to load. Insead, I get a dialogue box that says, "Opening page package.user.php," which tells me that I have "chosen to open" the file. The file itself is named the same, which is worrisome, but if I download it and then open it up in either a text file or Zend Studio, the downloaded file is completely blank at 0kb. Which makes no sense, since package.user.php echoes things to the screen, so it's not merely saving the output as a static file.

    This happens well before the max_execution_time logout on this server (which is 30 seconds). Anyone have any idea why this is happening? (I'm using HTML Purifier, which includes about a hundred files as part of its script, but I don't think that's an issue. Then again....)

    Bueller? Bueller?


« $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROO... || Problem with GET method... »

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