Newbie here needs help with having everyone's form answers on one page.

    Date: 01/14/08 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php

    Hi there!
    I am really new to php, but I want to help my husband have a site where his football friends fill out a form and that form posts all their results on one page. I have the form and the results page, but I can't get each person's results on the same page. Here's the site:
    Click on NFL Pool Picks to see what I'm talking about. Here's the code I am using for the top part:



    Week One Game One:

    And here is my results page:



    Game One Pick:

    Someone tried to help me by having me make a table to put the info in, so I did. But now the coding is all messed up and nothing works! He told me to make a file called createTable.php with this coding:

    And then add this to it to insert the data to the table:

    If someone could just post exactly what I need on each page and let me know what to title it, it would make my life so much easier. I get confused so easily.

    I'd really appreciate any help! Thank you.


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