Zend Platform 3.0.3 Help

    Date: 01/25/08 (PHP Community)    Keywords: mysql, database, sql

    Hey Guys, I'm new to this community so if this is the wrong place to post please let me know.

    I decided tonight to focus on my development environment. Has any one successfully gotten Zend Platform 3.0.3 to run on OS X Leopard 10.5? I was determined to get in running tonight and after about 4 hours I was able to get in installed but keep getting this error after logging in. Im sure there is another error around the corner but this is the current one. :)

    Cannot parse database connection data from '', probably the connection data, zend_monitor.events_db directive in the zend.ini file, is invalid.

    Macbook Pro
    MAMP Pro
    Zend Platform 3.0.3
    Zend Studio 5.5

    From what I read Zend Platform installs its own mysql to monitor the local mysql server. Not 100% sure why but at the moment that is my hang up.

    Any advise or links would be greatly appreciated.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/610534.html

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