
    Date: 02/14/08 (PHP Community)    Keywords: browser, web, yahoo

    Hi.. I have to add breadcrumbs to my company's... My first thought is to write a script that will create the links dynamically.

    Do you guys have any experience or input regarding implementing a breadcrumb script/solution before I get started?


    For reference: Breadcrumbs

    "There are 3 types: path, attribute, and location. The location breadcrumb is the one most commonly seen. It is a visual display or a page's location within a site. For example, Yahoo! uses location breadcrumbs when it shows you that the page you are on is categorized:

    Health>Children>Bed Wetting>Treatment>Cleaning Up

    With this, users can see where the page they are on is located in the hierarchy of the site. A 2003 study by Rogers and Chaparro reported is Usability News asked the big question: does Breadcrumb navigation positively affect a user's experience?

    There has only been limited research on breadcrumb navigation. However, the studies that have been performed have shown that breadcrumb navigation makes site navigation simpler and more efficient (Bowler, et al. 2001; Maldaonado & Resnick, 2002). In 2003 Bonnie Lida, Spring Hull, and Katie Pilcher examined if study participants would use breadcrumb navigation when given the task of finding several items on a website. They also studied what other methods the subjects chose to use, such as the browser back button or search fields. They hypothesized that breadcrumb navigation was more useful for browsing than for searching for specific terms."



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