Permissions, FTP, and PHP Users

    Date: 04/10/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php

    Hi all,

    a friend and I are currently creating a content managment system for distribution, and Im running into a problem when it comes to installing it on other hosts.

    Basically, here is the issue:

    When I install the script and run it on my host, the FTP user is the same as the user running PHP. However, when I install it on other hosts, the FTP user is different than the PHP user. The PHP user, as typical, is "nobody", and of course, has limited writing capabilities.

    Now, creating the folders via PHP is not really doable with the script, but is there another way around it?

    Changing the main folder permissions in FTP to 777 is possible before the script runs, but this only changes the top level directory permissions. All the subfolders I need to write to arent changed as well.

    Is there some way to around this issue?

    Thanks in advance :)


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