
    Date: 03/23/08 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, mysql, technology, database, asp, sql, java, web

    Hey everyone! I'm looking for a coding partner for a website I've been working on since last November. I find myself spending more time figuring out things and less time in actual development of the site--of course the learning could be rolled into the development, but it is apparent to me that more actual code needs to be written if I am to finish by my self-set deadline of the end of May.

    The server-side script is done in PHP, the site uses a MySQL database, and there is some Javascript/AJAX implemented on the client-side.

    This is probably the wrong place to find a person who has a strong background working with Javascript, but this is probably what I need more than anything since my knowledge is very limited in this area.

    I can pay something, and I am open to a payment plan based on the revenue the site generates once it is officially launched.

    A little background:

    At one time I was a full-time professional photographer... it didn't work out so well since I really couldn't find a way to bring my potential clients to neutral ground in terms of negotiations. I also networked with many photographers in Orlando and around the United States who all seemed to make the same argument and really had a problem managing the administrative side of their business--often times hiring someone else to do it for the sake of not having to deal with it.

    After completely bombing in the business in late 2006--a year after getting started, and acquring a full-time job in the technology sector, I got out of the business of actually taking the pictures, but the clients seemed to start pouring in due to the search engines ranking my current website high in returned results for folks looking for photographers in Orlando--where I'm based. There was no way that I could do the work while at the same time working my current job as a laser field service engineer--I wouldn't be in town. The solution was to help some of the photographers who I networked with out so I took care of all of the administrative work and hired them to do the actual photoshoot. We had a 40:60 [me:them] financial arrangement worked out which ultimately brought in about $20,000 last year for myself.

    With the business growing, my time becoming more and more valuable, and advice from Mr. Trump [not personally, on T.V. lol] to "think big", I decided to start the National Photographer Group, LLC, and, to take the whole thing to the web by creating a somewhat self-sufficient website where photographers could, for a monthly charge, use this site to take care of their administrative business--estimates, quotes, invoices, finances, project management, and lead generation.

    As aforementioned, I started coding the site in November of 2007 and have put just about every weekend into some aspect of creating this website and business. I have already received many inquires from photographers anticipating the launch of the website.

    So, I've been stubborn, to some extent, regarding whether or not I want to have somebody else help me with this script. The last thing that I want is for my script to be snatched up and spread over the web and have the business fail because of that. The business is going to go somewhere... but I'm finding that I really can't do it alone... I need some coding help, hence this entry.

    So, if you are interested in working with me to help develop this site, or if you know someone who might be, or can point me in a direction where I can find someone who can help--preferably keeping the business in the U.S.A.-then by all means, please send a comment. Thank you for your time and sorry this was so long.



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