Forms that email - help?

    Date: 04/12/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, web

    Hey there.

    I was trying to figure out how to make a specific type of form for my website. With this kind of form, when you click on 'submit', the data gets sent to me via email, and the page you filled in the form on, changes to another page (something like 'thank you for filling out the form!', etc).

    So far, the only forms I've managed to figure out that send data to me via email doesn't do so as smoothly as the one I want. Instead, a prompt comes up to okay sending the data via email, and then the default email program loads, and then it gets sent that way (that was a rather convoluted description, wasn't it? sorry about that, hope it makes sense...).

    Anyway, here's an example of the kind of form I'd like to be able to make (scroll to the bottom):

    If you want to test it out, it's configured to send to me, so I don't mind. I just can't figure out how to make something that functions in a similar way, so I'd really appreciate any help anyone can offer me.

    Also, does anyone know if Geocities allows PHP? Thank you!


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