Simple things can be hard. :(

    Date: 03/13/09 (PHP Community)    Keywords: browser, css, html

    Hello everyone.

    I've posted here before but now I'm looking for advice on css/html. I know it's somewhat off-topic.. but /shrug, I've spent all day at work kicking myself over this.

    So I have this page I need to develop. I'm pretty pro at css/html but for some reason, my life hates me today and it's either breaking in firefox or IE.

    This is what I'm getting in my browsers:
    Firefox 3.0.7
    IE 7

    IE 7's screenshot is what I want. Firefox is just being way off. But anyways, I was wondering if anyone had any tips on how I can get this to work in both browsers.

    Just for your reference, here is the my code:

    Help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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