Date: 04/20/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, mysql, browser, html, database, sql

    Hi all,
    I have a program that gets its images from a mysql database. I pass a string to the program that gets the picture inside an HTML image tag like this:

    <*img src=\"show_image.php/thumbnails/$boxData[thum_id]/img.jpg\">

    This is what the string looks like when it has been passed:


    This is the program show_image.php

    $pic_id = get_pic_id($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
    $table_name = get_table_name($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
    $file_data = get_file_data($pic_id, $table_name);
    header("Content-type: " . $file_data['type']);
    echo $file_data['binary_data'];

    The functions get_pic_id() and get_table_name() run a regex on the string and return the correct portions of the string that I then pass to get_file_data() and get the binary data.

    I used to get the pic_id and the table_name from the $_GET string, but I wanted to force the browser to cache the images so a friend suggested using this. Thing is he wrote his version in Python which I dont know.

    My question to you all is do you know if this possible and if so where can I get the string from?


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