
    Date: 04/27/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, browser, html

    Long story short, I took a data structures course, and decided to practice my new skills this summer by designing an HTML RPG.

    I'm close to the point to designing the actual interface - player / item objects are all done. Currently I have no idea what kind of interface it will be, though it will probably end up like Magic Candle (so very old... but picture a top-down interface without the fancy graphics). Obviously, the user will move their character either via links or form buttons.

    Say the character dies when they fall into a trap. What is to stop them from using their browser's history to go back and take a different path? Or, say they gain 1 hit point when they level - what's to stop them from going back and hoping for a 10?

    Is it even possible to restrict this sort of browser-history thing? I know this works in Firefox atleast:

    1. from home.php, follow a link to page.php
    2. on page.php, click a link to work.php
    3. work.php only modifies data, then gives a header->location to page.php
    4. on page.php, click a link to home.php
    5. home.php loads in history
    The history in Firefox shows up home->page->home, so steps 3 and 4 aren't recorded. Is this true for all browsers?

    Any other ways of doing this besides header: location?


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