Include file configuration

    Date: 05/10/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php

    I have a rather odd problem. I have a file, /test/iidb/version.php that includes several files, which they themselves include several files, and so on. All of these included files are in a different directory -- /includes/iidb/ -- that is separate from version.php's directory.

    Somewhere along the way, these included files include a file in the same directory named Idea.php: For example /includes/iidb/idea/IdeaIDProxy.php includes /includes/iidb/idea/Idea.php.

    Now this all works as it should. It only seems to lose it when -- without changing any of the other files! -- I create a file /test/iidb/idea.php (the same directory as version.php). Then PHP seems to mistake /test/iidb/idea.php for /includes/iidb/idea/Idea.php, and as a result, fails to include required code.

    This only occurs on my test server, and not my main server. Given that I sync'ed all the files between them, I suspect it's a configuration difference.



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