Date: 07/21/05 (PHP Community) Keywords: mysql, sql I want to report back to the user how long it's been since their last login. I'm having a problem processing the time, though. $query = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(date_last,'%c-%d-%Y %k:%i:%S') dl, DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%c-%d-%Y %k:%i:%S') dn FROM people WHERE (user_id=$id AND password=PASSWORD('$pass') )"; $result = mysql_query($query); if (mysql_num_rows($result)==1) { while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $lasttime = $row['dl']; $nowtime = $row['dn']; $timediff = round((strtotime($nowtime) - strtotime($lasttime)) / (60*60)); echo "You last logged in $timediff hours ago."; } } Here is what I get: // $nowtime == string(18) "7-21-2005 10:51:40" // strtotime($nowtime) == int(1393429900) // $lasttime == string(18) "7-20-2005 21:21:59" // strtotime($lasttime) == int(1390789319) You last logged in 733 hours ago I had understood that strtotime() will parse GNU standard date formats into seconds, so I had assumed multiplying the difference in dates by 1200 would get the difference in hours. I don't understand why I'm getting 733 hours offset instead of 13. Can anybody tell me what I've got wrong here? Edit: A saner MySQL query does the trick. Thanks to those who helped. Source: