Valnerability in php?

    Date: 07/29/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, database, web

    Hi Everyone.
    I’m hoping someone can help me out with some code. I have a script on my website to automatically email me visitor comments. Last night my web host disabled it, saying there was a vulnerability that hackers were exploiting. I’ve looked over the script, but I can’t seem to find the vulnerability.

    $mail_path = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -i -t" ;
    $mail_to = -- my personal email address --;
    $mail_subject = "[Webpage Email] ";

    $email = $_RESQUEST['useremail'];
    $message = $_REQUEST['message'];
    $mail_subject .= $_REQUEST['subject'];

    if (!isset($referer)){$referer = $HTTP_REFERER;}

    if (trim($message) != ''){
    "From: $useremail\r\n" .
    "Reply-To: $useremail\r\n" .
    "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion());
    $display = "Thank you for submitting an email.
    Your message has been successfully sent.
    Redirecting you to $referer in 5 seconds.";
    $meta = "";

    They also site these logs as evidence of the hack - - [27/Jul/2005:20:55:45 -0400] "POST /email.php?referer= HTTP/1.0" 200 2155 "" "-" - - [27/Jul/2005:20:57:02 -0400] "POST /email.php?referer= HTTP/1.1" 200 2167 "" "-" - - [27/Jul/2005:20:58:21 -0400] "POST /email.php?referer= HTTP/1.1" 200 2167 "" "-" - - [27/Jul/2005:21:02:43 -0400] "POST /email.php?referer= HTTP/1.0" 200 2501 "" "-"

    Also, I’m using a similar script to email users about updates. That script queries a database to get the user emails. Is it likely to have the same vulnerabilities?


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