Hey hey hey!

    Date: 08/04/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, web

    I am new to php, and i have been using PHP includes on my website, as well as the date function.
    two things, I have a news include on my site. I want to make a page that includes that include, called archive.php

    then I want to include the newest months news on the index page in the news include.

    Is there a way to make it so that for one file it only show a certain amount of characters. Then I want to have a link that would link to the rest of the news for that year.

    Maybe you guys could help point me in the right direction. Gracias.

    btw, my web address is josharonoff.com


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/330808.html

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