using postnuke for subdomains?

    Date: 08/06/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: database, web

    Okay maybe you guys can help me with this!
    I'm wanting to set up a large website with subdomains for every user who signs up. Now I know I need to do this by using databases but frankly, they confuse the heck outta me, but I at least know enough about maintaining postnuke. I want each user to be able to submit their own work, and for all of the work to be able to be displayed on the main page. (I am hoping for a format much like It's a community/user based website.
    So can I somehow use postnuke to be able to let each user create their own subdomain which they can submit their own work?
    Also, I'm pretty sure I could figure out how to do this, but can I totally revamp the design created by postnuke, and take away that completely "forums"ish look to it?
    Anyone feel like doing some majorly hard pro-bono work for a broke idiot who really wants to make a good website? lol Hey it's worth a shot, right? I'm getting desperate!
    Any tips on how I might use postnuke more to my benefit would be great.


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