while ($yarnarray = mysql_fetch_array ($listyarns)) {
printf ('');
printf ('');
if ($counter % 2 == 0) {
printf ("");
$counter = 10;
And the processing code:
$yarns = "SELECT yarnid FROM yarns";
$yarnidquery = mysql_query ($yarns) or die ("Error at Yarns " . mysql_error() . "\nWhole Query: " . $yarns);
$yarnarraysetup = mysql_fetch_array ($yarnidquery);
$yarnarray = $yarnarraysetup['yarnid'];
while ($yarnidlist = mysql_fetch_array ($yarnidquery)) {
if ($yarnidlist['yarnid'] == $_POST['$yarnarray']) {
//$yarnprice = "INSERT INTO prices (yarnid, storeid, price) VALUES ('$storeidset', $yarnidlist['yarnid'], $_POST['$yarnarray'])";
//$yarnpriceinsert = mysql_query ($yarnprice) or die ("Error at YarnPrice: " . mysql_error() . "\nWhole Query: " . $yarnprice);
Question 2:
Is there any way to pass variables through an <a href= > tag? I want to set up the ability to browse through stores without having to use all dropdown menus.

Thanks in advance for all of the help.

Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/335388.html

    Two Questions

    Date: 08/13/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, mysql, database, sql, web

    [Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

    Hi everyone. I am new to the group, and also relatively new to PHP. I have two questions relating to a website that I am setting up. Brief description:
    This is a website that lists reviews of yarn stores. Included in the information that it captures is the price of certain yarns.
    Question 1:
    If I am using an array to call the <input name = xyz>, how do I write my insert statement to use it?
    This is what I have so far, but I am very skeptical that it would work:

    The form code:
    $dbh=mysql_connect ("host", "username", "password") or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error());
    mysql_select_db ("knittin1_yarnstore");
    $getyarns = "SELECT yarnid, yarnco, yarnname FROM yarns";
    $listyarns = mysql_query ($getyarns) or die ("Error at ListYarns: " . mysql_error() . "\n Whole Query: " . $getyarns);
    $counter = 10;
    printf ('
' . $yarnarray['yarnco'] . " " . $yarnarray['yarnname'] . '$
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