Stuck with XML

    Date: 08/30/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, xml, database

    I have an XML file with a format similar to what follows:

          Item Title
          Item Description
          Item Size





    Having never had to parse XML before, I did some searching and found very quickly and easily how to pull information out of the first node, such as a list of titles, descriptions, or sizes, but the data I want to report is:

    Item1: Size, avgMonthlysales
    Item2: Size, avgMonthlysales

    preferably with each value in a separate array so they could be easily called as $item[x], $size[x]...

    I'm using PHP5, so I've been working with the simplexml functions, although I have worked with the older xml functions. I haven't figured out how to get the data from the monthlysales under each corresponding item.

    Any pointers as to where I can look for more information on this? Thanks.

    Edit: I'm a little closer, but still need some help. I discovered all of the operators that work with xpath.

    Here's my (borrowed) code:

    $result = $xml->xpath('item/title | item/size | item/monthlysales/avg');
    while (list( ,$node) = each($result)){
    echo $node.'

    This gives me a very nice

    I'd still like to make these into separate arrays because I want to compare them individually with existing database entries, and here is where I'm not smart enough and request help.


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