php, mysql search engine

    Date: 09/07/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: cms, php, mysql, html, sql

    Ok, I’m trying to make a nice little search script for my CMS. The whole site is in the db, and I would like to have a way for people to be able to search all the content. Each entry in the db has an id, name, title, description and body. They may all contain html. now I would like to run a query that looks through all the fields (except the id) and pulls out all those that match, then display them in a table (I assume a while loop is fie for this). So what I'm really looking for is an sql query that will search all the fields. Now I would also like it to recognise boolean searches if this is possible.

    Ok, I’m sure you get the idea by now. Does anyone know how this might be achieved? Please note, my php knowledge is about a year old and my mysql is very poor. I have also been through mysql docs (mainly this page, but have found it s little beyond me).

    Thanks for any help

    x-posted to '[info]'mysql


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